
Dr. Carolyn Basiliere, founder of Point of View, has 25+ years of experience supporting professionals who work in high-stress, high-risk environments. Here's what organizations say about her impact:

Police Force: Investigators and Forensic Examiners

“While working with the Vermont Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC), Carolyn became one of the forerunners of mental health and wellness for those exposed to child sexual abuse and torture images. Her work with the Commander of the VT ICAC was exemplary, and their program was used as a model for law enforcement agencies nationwide. We featured Carolyn and the Vermont ICAC in a video instructing other teams how to put together a wellness program. Carolyn was also an instructor for us as we brought wellness training out to teams all over the country.”

—Heather Steele, Heather Steele Consulting. Former President and CEO, Innocent Justice Foundation


“As the Director of Psychological Health, Carolyn wore many hats, but none more important than providing direct council and guidance to not only myself [as Fighter Wing Commander], but also numerous Senior Leaders throughout our organization of over 1100 personnel. Carolyn's approach consistently centered on building the strongest relationships throughout a very diverse group of personnel in an effort to foster collaboration throughout the Wing. Forward thinking, creative, and passionate - I can honestly say that I have never worked with a finer professional over my 25 years of service in the United States Air Force and the Vermont Air National Guard.”

—Brigadier General (Ret.) David P. Baczewski, Senior Business Development Specialist—Liquid Measurement Systems. Former Deputy Director of Operations, United States European Command (USEUCOM)

“As you know, the psychological and financial demands of those serving today's military are, to put it mildly, robust…Where leadership, program development and relationship building are concerned, her skills are among the best I've seen in 29 years of professional service. She stood up a completely new program, inside a Fighter Wing of 1,100 people, and led it to success... She accomplished this monumental feat in a matter of months, successfully learning new programs, networking with local and national resources, and 'getting out there' to meet the men and women of the Vermont Air National Guard.”

—Brigadier General Steven S. Lambrecht, Author of “Boundless Brothers,” Leadership Coach, Airline Pilot. Former VT Air National Guard Commander, 158th Logistical Readiness Squadron and Maintenance Group, Air Component Commander and Chief of Staff

“As the 158th Fighter Wing Command Chief I served as the senior enlisted advisor to the Wing Commander and primary advisor and spokesman regarding enlisted Airmen issues. Dr. Basiliere has demonstrated superior leadership attributes. She has a talent for quickly analyzing a situation and producing effective results. Her professionalism, dedication, demeanor, and affability made her an immediate stand out. …independent, self-directed, able to communicate effectively and meet even the most demanding challenges. Dr. Basiliere personally had a tremendous impact in enhancing the Wing's overall effectiveness. She proved herself as an outstanding member of the Wing command staff during Federal and State deployments and re-deployments.”

—Chief Master Sergeant Brian Marchessault, Maintenance Superintendent, Arconic. Former Vermont State Command Chief


“Dr. Basiliere has a clear understanding of the collaborative effort required in today's medical environment. She possesses excellent communication skills, professionalism, commitment, dedication, judgment and character combined with a broad clinical knowledge base and experience.”

—Audrey Osgood, Former Administrative Officer, Special Programs Veteran's Administration Medical Center, White River Junction, VT

Point of View

is a psychology consultancy that partners with organizations developing embedded strategies to protect the psychological health and vitality of employees dealing with emotionally challenging work.

Contact Us

If your organization is committed to supporting employees engaged in challenging work, we're here to help.

Reach out to us at carolyn@pointofview.health to learn more.